DAYARAMPHARMA CHEM and our group companies DAYARAM healthcare are the one of largestmanufacturer and supplier of Glimepirideformulations and Glimepiride API in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. We aresullying the best quality of Glimepiride API all around the India as well as inthe whole world. Our product Glimepiride praised by our clients and also by theother companies.
DAYARAM PHARMACHEM isthe world leading manufacturing and supplying company of the Glimepiride products and API.
Thus we are Indian based company we supplying our best quality products toevery states of India for many years like Jammu andKashmir, Kerala, Punjab,Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Telangana, Bihar, Karnataka,Delhi, TamilNadu, Odisha, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Chhattisgarh etc.
DAYARAMPHARMA CHEM also exports huge quantity of best quality Glimepiride API products to the other nations like Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Nepal, Ghana, United States, Philippines, Jordan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, UnitedArab Emirates, South Africa, Bangladesh, Netherlands, Taiwan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia,Venezuela, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Egypt, South Korea, Algeria, Morocco,France, Israel, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia, Italy, Thailand,Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Japan and many south easterncountries.
Glimepiride is the typeof drug which is used in the treatment of the type II diabetes mellitus.Glimepiride is basically the oral dosage form. With the diet and properexercise and treatment of Glimepiride works more effectively.Glimepiridepatented in year 1979 and then it is approved for the medical use in the year1995.
Glimepiride come in thesulfonylurea class of drug which acts by increasing the body insulin whichcause decrease in blood sugar.
SYNONYMS OF GLIMEPIRIDE: Glimepirida, , Glimepiride, Glimepiridum.
IUPACNAME: 3-Ethyl-4-methyl-N-[2-(4-{[(trans-4-methylcyclohexyl) carbonyl]sulfonyl} phenyl) ethyl]-2-oxo-2, 5-dihydro-1H-pyrrole-1-
CAS NO: 93479-97-1
MOLECULARMASS:490.62 g/mol
HOW TO USE: Read theleaflet of the Glimepiride. the medicine is only taken one time a day so takethe medicine in morning orally with take the most benefit ofGlimepiride take it regularly at a same time for days. If you are alreadytaking other diabetic medicines take your doctors advice to how to use theGlimepiride medication.
HOWGLIMEPIRIDE WORKS: Glimepiride main work is to reduce the blood sugar level bystimulating the insulin from pancreatic beta cells. By this process the peripheralglucose uptake and by this the blood sugar level decreased by the Glimepiride.
CONTRAINDICATIONS OF GLIMEPIRIDE:If you haveany allergy, tell your doctor before taking these medicinesand other inactiveingredients which can cause allergic reactions. Because of the action of the drug the blood sugar level willdecrease by this the blurred vision and drowsiness effects are seen so do nottake this medicine while driving or doing any machinery works which can causehazardous reaction. Do not go out in sun because this medicine can make yousensitive to the sun.
PHARMACOKINETICS OF GLIMEPIRIDE: Glimepiride is taken orally and will easily absorbafter the administration in 1 hour and reach the blood peak plasmaconcentration within 3 hours. The plasma protein binding of Glimepiride is morethan 99.5%. The drug will metabolise completely in liver. Basically thehalf-life of Glimepiride is 5-8 hours but it can increase by taking multiple dosages.The excretion of Glimepiride is mainly (60%) done by urinationand the other isdone in feces.
SIDE EFFECTS OF GLIMEPIRIDE: The normal side effects of Glimepiride arenausea and upset stomach. Contact your doctor if any side effect like weakness,yellowing of eye/skin, dark urine, bleeding, infections, mood swings occurs. Themedicine cause loss of blood sugar so weakness in body, shaking of arms andfeet, hunger, blurred vision, unconsciousness type of effects are seen in the patient. If you notice symptoms likerash, allergy, swelling of face, itching, and trouble in breathing contact yourdoctor immediately.
PRECAUTIONS OF GLIMEPIRIDE: The medicine cause loss of blood sugar sokindly avoids the heavy exercise. Do not drink alcohol it can cause low bloodsugar level. Because Glimepiride reduce the blood sugar level kindly avoids theactivity like driving or exercising or operating heavy machineries. Discuss themedication plan with your doctor before taking the medication, and always takemedicine in time.
CDSCO APPROVAL: Glimepiride 1mg/2mg/3mg/4mg tablets areapproved by CDSCO in India in 24.01.1999.
Pioglitazone HCL + glimepiride tablet is approved by CDSCO in Indiain 25.10.2002. Glimepiride + metformin SR tablet is approved by CDSCO in India in13.11.2002. Rosiglitazone + glimepiride tablet is approved by CDSCO in India in14.11.2002. Glimepiride + rosiglitazone tablet is approved by CDSCO in12.12.2003.
FDC of Glimepiride (1mg/2mg) + Pioglitazone (15mg) + Metformin(500mg E.R) Tablet is approved by CDSCO in India in 12.08.2005.
Glimepiride 1mg/2mg. + Metformin SR 1000mg tablet (additionalstrength) is approved by CDSCO in 08.06.2007.
Glimepiride 1mgtablets
Glimepiride 2mgtablets
Glimepiride 3mgtablets
Glimepiride 4mg tablets
Pioglitazone HCL + glimepiride tablets (15mg+1/2mg)
Glimepiride + metformin (1/2mg+500mg)
Rosiglitazone + glimepiride (2mg+1mg)
Glimepiride + rosiglitazone (1/2mg+30mg)
Glimepiride (1mg/2mg) + Pioglitazone (15mg) + Metformin (500mgE.R) Tablet
Glimepiride 1mg/2mg. + Metformin SR 1000mg tablet (additionalstrength)
Note: Product protected by valid patents are notoffered for sale in countries where such patents are still valid and itsliability is at Buyers Risk
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